Thursday, March 31, 2016

Unit 4 part 2 (April 1)

President Obama is granting clemency

President Barack Obama hugs Kemba Smith during a greet with formerly incarcerated individuals
            President Barack Obama has issued 61 more clemency agreements on March 30, 2016 which added to his previous number brings him up to a total of 248 clemencies over his two terms as president. President Obama and both sides of our countries bipartisan system have decided to work together in weighting the wrongs of the past. The President is giving an executive order to the prison system in the form of clemency, his expressed power, to pardon offenders of their crime and release them from prison. While simultaneously the house and senate are working to create reform in an attempt to limit the unfair punishment for certain crimes. Not only is the POTUS using clemency to release unjustly punished offenders, but he is also meeting with them and arranging for them the best possible outcome for their second chance.
President Obama could make history on chemical security reform after ...            President Obama’s 248 clemencies have dwarfed that
of his six predecessors combined 139. This is representative of an incredibly important time for the American judiciary system. Major reforms are supported by both sides of legislature and are working towards a more lenient standpoint. It is a great time for the President to help those in need and rally with the congress in an attempt to show unity amongst the government. These 248 clemencies are writing the wrongs of the past creating a second chance for those who have been unjustly punished for their crimes. Throughout the remainder of his term it is expected that the president will grant many more clemencies and work to build up rehabilitation groups for all who will be pardoned. 
President Obama has commuted the sentences of more men and women than the past six presidents combined.


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