Thursday, May 19, 2016

Final Project Post (May 20,2016)

Border Security Along America

Border security is a very important and politically swaying issue for all Americans. It does not only maintain the physical safety of the country; but it also promotes the economic, educational, and legal staples of society. Physically border security protects both the American people and those who are attempting to illegally immigrate. Along the Mexican American border solely in the Tucson there were 774 skeletal remains of immigrants found within one month during 2013. The vast majority of these deaths caused by exposure to the elements, namely the brutal Arizona desert sun. If agents from the border patrols would have seen these people they may still be alive today. With updates to security procedures and the implementations of new technologies to identify immigrants illegally crossing the border many hop that this tremendously high number of deaths can be cut down. One of the technologies thought to make the greatest impact upon border security is the implementation of flying drones that can patrol the sky at high rates of speed for extended periods of time watching over the landscape with their thermal imaging cameras.
Applying for residency via the family sponsorship will take from ...
By maintaining a realistic limit to the number of illegal citizens which move to America border security can enhance the economic, educational, and legal parameters of society. With stricter border control more drug smugglers would be discovered and captured by the authorities leading to a decrease in all types of crime stemming from the drug trade. There has been roughly 86,639 kilograms of drugs seized crossing the border by the American government. While this much is being taken away from public consumption thousands more kilograms make it through and decimate the American public and their ability to function successfully in society.
Economically more jobs would theoretically be available to legal American citizens considering 5.1% of all American labor is comprised of illegal immigrants. However this would also cause a spike in the prices of all material goods because without illegal immigrant workers the average American worker requires a higher payment level to be given proper incentive to work the same job. Also the financial burden to the country would be minimized do to the decreased number of illegal citizens who do not pay taxes however are covered by fundamental American coverage such as medical care. Economics would have both its ups and downs with increased border security however the majority of factors tend to be thought of a positive for the American people by economists.
Educationally America would have the potential to be much more specialized and help each individual child with their learning experience. There are an estimated 25% of children under the age of 18 being either illegal themselves or having at least one illegal parent. If it would have been possible to keep this enormous sum of 17.5 million children from becoming part of the United States educational system twenty five percent of the national resources could have been redistributed to be split amongst the other seventy five percent giving them enormously larger of an expenditure per child and allowing for a greater transfer of resources directly to the student. This would intern lead to the greater and more diversified education of America’s youth allowing them to grow America into the future and continue the American dream.

There are many political view points on the topic of border reform the two main ideological ideas are supported by either political platform. The democratic solution to border security is much less comprehensive then the republican. The main differences between the two parties ideals are that Democrats feel as though the immigrants which have already made it to America should be hound and given citizenship, if their requirements are met by the applicant, and overall support a passive approach to securing America’s borders with such legislation as the Dream Act. While the Republicans would love to take action, with such ideas as building a wall (there is no limit to the improbability of their ideas, explained in the video). They feel as though all illegal immigrants should be deported and granting amnesty just encourages more illegal immigration. 

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